the Team Church Way

How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!

Psalm 133:1

Ready to take the next steps here at Team Church?

The Team Church Way is designed to introduce you to who we are as a church and help you find ways to get connected. It will empower you to take the necessary “next steps” to facilitate your life-long spiritual growth process in Jesus.
It is our hope that you will not only learn some interesting facts about Team Church, but you will also discover who God has created you to be, and in that discovery, we will TEAM up to see the lives of others impacted with the message of the gospel.


This two-week program is held during second (2nd) service on Sunday mornings.

TC Way 101

*The 1st Sunday of the month
*held during 2nd service

Explore is a basic introduction to Team Church and your salvation. It is designed to help you understand our purpose, core beliefs, and strategy to help you grow in your relationship with Christ.
Discover is designed for us (and you) to get to know you better. This part will help you discover your unique God-created S.H.A.P.E (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, Experience). Understanding who God created you to be, will allow us to partner with you to fulfill your purpose and live your life for the glory of God while serving and blessing others.

TC Way 201

*The 2nd Sunday of the month
*held during 2nd service

Connect will discuss the importance of connecting with God and others.  You will also be given the opportunity to connect with Team Church through membership to fulfill our One Purpose.
Lead highlights leadership at Team Church. This class will provide you with an understanding of what leadership at Team Church means and how to grow into what God has called each of us to do in one form or another.

Child Care Is Provided

Kids are welcome to stay during both services at All-Stars and TeamKID while you take the classes.